Ewha Womans University
Korea is becoming a popular place to further education and have the experience of a lifetime or to study some Korean. There are over 45,000 foreigners studying in Korea every year. The majority are on D-4 visas and studying Korean in university or at a language school. Others are participating in university exchange programs, on scholarships or obtaining a masters degree or PHD.
People who wish to attend a university and study need the D-2 visa (D-4 if you wish to study Korean). Here is a guide on how to get the D-4 visa. The D-2 visa procedure is quite similar to that of the D-4 visa.
In Korea the beginning of the school year starts in March. This is usually a good thing as it gives western students time to prepare for the big move to Korea after they finish their course. For people who wish to attend a language school or university language course the programs usually run at intervals of 3 months. The first course usually starts in Feb / March and the next in June / July and so on. You can join at anytime.
For more information about studying in Korea check out this Study in Korea site run by the government.
If you are curious as to what a university in Korea looks like or what to expect, check out my visit to Sogang University, Yonsei University and Ewha Womans University.