Tourist Visa Korea
Information on the tourist visa for Korea. Most countries have joined a visa waiver agreement with the Republic of Korea and are allowed to enter Korea without a visa for the purpose of tourism and travel. Another visa agreement is the Designated visa-free entry. The length of stay depends on the agreement made between South Korea and your country. See the list below for all the details.
After you arrive in Korea you will get a stamp in your passport (see pic) and will state your entry date to Korea and the date that you must leave Korea. For example, if the date is May 12th you must leave before or on the day of May 12th. Overstaying your visa is a serious crime in Korea that will lead to deportation, a fine and possibly prison time.
Tourist Visa Extension
Extensions for tourist visas are possible in special cases such as accidents, health problems, flight cancellation, etc. Applications for visa extensions can be made at a local immigration office at least one day before the day of expiration.
If your country is not on the list below you will need to apply for a visa before you arrive in Korea. Contact your nearest Korean Embassy.
Countries under Visa Waiver Agreements
Country | Length | Country | Length |
ANTIGUA-BARBUDA | 3 Months | LIBERIA | 3 Months |
AUSTRIA | 3 Months | LIECHTENSTEIN | 3 Months |
BAHAMAS | 3 Months | LITHUANIA | 90 Days |
BANGLADESH | 3 Months | LUXEMBOURG | 3 Months |
BARBADOS | 3 Months | MALAYSIA | 3 Months |
BELGIUM | 3 Months | MALTA | 3 Months |
BRAZIL | 90 Days | MEXICO | 3 Months |
BULGARIA | 3 Months | MOROCCO | 3 Months |
CHILE | 90 Days | NETHERLAND | 3 Months |
COLOMBIA | 3 Months | NEW ZEALAND | 3 Months |
COSTARICA | 3 Months | NICARAGUA | 3 Months |
CZECH REPUBLIC | 3 Months | NORWAY | 3 Months |
DENMARK | 3 Months | PANAMA | 90 Days |
DOMINICA REP | 3 Months | POLAND | 3 Months |
EL SALVADOR | 3 Months | PORTUGAL | 3 Months |
ESTONIA | 3 Months | ROMANIA | 3 Months |
FRANCE | 3 Months | SINGAPORE | 3 Months |
FINLAND | 3 Months | SLOVAKIA | 3 Months |
GERMANY | 3 Months | SPAIN | 3 Months |
GREECE | 3 Months | SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS | 3 Months |
GRENADA | 3 Months | ST. LUCIA | 3 Months |
HAITI | 3 Months | ST. VINCENT | 3 Months |
HUNGARY | 3 Months | SURINAM | 3 Months |
ICELAND | 3 Months | SWEDEN | 3 Months |
IRELAND | 3 Months | SWITZERLAND | 3 Months |
ISRAEL | 3 Months | THAILAND | 3 Months |
ITALY | 90 Days | TRINIDOD-TOBAGO | 3 Months |
JAMAICA | 3 Months | TUNISIA | 30 Days |
JAPAN | 90 Days | TURKEY | 3 Months |
LATVIA | 90 Days | UNITED KINGDOM | 3 Months |
LESOTHO | 60 Days | VENEZUELA | 90 Days |
Designated visa-free entry
Country | Length | Country | Length |
Australia | 90 Days | Nauru | 30 Days |
Andorra Albania | 30 Days | New Caledonia | 30 Days |
Arab Emirates | 30 Days | Oman | 30 Days |
Argentina | 30 Days | Palau | 30 Days |
BAHRAIN | 90 Days | Paraguay | 30 Days |
Bosnia-Herzegovina | 30 Days | Qatar | 30 Days |
Brunei | 30 Days | Samoa | 30 Days |
Canada | 6 Months | San Marino | 30 Days |
Croatia | 30 Days | Saudi Arabia | 30 Days |
Cyprus | 30 Days | Serbia | 30 Days |
Ecuador | 30 Days | Seychelles | 30 Days |
Egypt | 30 Days | Slovenia | 90 Days |
Fiji | 30 Days | Solomon Islands | 30 Days |
Guam | 30 Days | South Africa | 30 Days |
Guatemala | 30 Days | Swaziland | 30 Days |
Guyana | 30 Days | Taiwan | 30 Days |
Hong Kong | 90 Days | Tonga | 30 Days |
Japan | 90 Days | Tuvalu | 30 Days |
Kiribati Kuwait | 30 Days | United States | 90 Days |
Macau | 90 Days | Uruguay | 30 Days |
Marshall Islands | 30 Days | Vatican | 30 Days |
Mauritius | 30 Days | Yemen | 30 Days |
Micronesia | 30 Days | ||
Montenegro | 30 Days | ||
Monaco | 30 Days |