Seoul Education Museum
The Seoul Education Museum was opened on June 15th, 1995. The museum was opened as a specialized museum of education that displays a total of 12,742 items. The museum looks at the role and history of education in Korea from the Three Kingdom period (285 AD) to present.
A lot of changes have taken place with the education system in Korea in the past 150 years. Many universities began opening in the late 19th century with help from Christian missionaries. Following the Japanese occupation of Korea the education system was changed. The education under Japanese colonial rule focused more on Japan’s history, the Japanese writing system while neglecting Korea’s history and culture. After independence from Japan the U.S heavily influenced the education system in Korea and new laws were brought about such as compulsory education. Tragedy stuck again with the education system as most schools were closed or destroyed during the Korean War.
The museum is quite small (597.07 m2) but still has a good display of books, documents, teaching and writing tools. The museum is a tranquil spot where you can see the role and power of education and how it made Korea the country that it is today.
Opening hours / Admission:
Weekdays: 09:00am – 18:00
Weekends: 09:00am – 17:00
Closed on public holidays and the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month.
Admission is free.
How to get to the Seoul Education Museum:
Take line 3 to Anguk station and leave exit 1. Take your second right and head straight.
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