Map of Seooreung Tombs
The Seooreung (서오릉) Royal tombs in Korea consits of 5 Royal graves, Gyeongneung, Changneung, Myeongneung, Ingneung, Honneung and 3 lower level tombs, 1 Myo tomb and 2 Won tombs. Neung or Reung refers to the tomb of a queen or king while, Won refers to the tomb of a crown princess, crown prince or royal concubine while Myo refers to the lowest level tomb and is for princes or princesses or sometimes concubines. The name Seooreung (서오릉) comes from Seo (서, West), O (오, 5) and Reung (릉, Tomb).
At Seoreung there are many tombs and to fit them all on one page I will have to write about each tomb on another page.
Gyeongneung Tomb:
The royal tomb of King Deokjong and Queen Sohye. King Deokjong was born in 1438 and passed away in 1457. He died at the age of 20. Queen Sohye was born in 1437 and passed away in 1504. For pictures and a detailed guide to this tomb at Seooreung, visit Gyeongneung Tomb page.
The royal tomb of King Yejong and Queen Ansun his second wife. King Yejong was born in 1450 and died in 1469. Queen Ansun was born around 1455 (year unknown) and died in 1498. For pictures and a detailed guide to this tomb at Seooreung, visit Changneung Tomb page.
The royal tomb of King Sukjong, Queen Inhyeon and Queen Inwon. King Sukjon was born in 1674 and passed away in 1720. Queen Inhyeon was born in 1667 and passed away in 1701. Queen Inwon was born in 1687 and passed away in 1757. For pictures and a detailed guide to this tomb at Seooreung, visit Myeongneung Tomb page.
The royal tomb of Queen Ingneung. She was the first wife of King Sukjong and died at the age of 20 from small pox. She was born in 1661 and passed away in 1680. For pictures and a detailed guide to this tomb at Seooreung, visit Ingneung Tomb page.
The royal tomb of Queen Jeongseong. Born in 1692 and passed away in 1757. For pictures and a detailed guide to this tomb at Seooreung, visit Hongneung Tomb page.
Also at Seooreung Tombs you can find the tombs of
Opening Hours / Admission:
March to October: 6am ~ 6:30pm
November to February: 6:30am ~ 4:30pm
Tickets stop going on sale 1 hour before closing time.
Closed on Mondays.
1,000 won for adults (19 to 64)
500 won for youth (7 to 18)
How to get to Seooreung Royal Tombs:
Take line 3 to Nokbeon Station and leave exit 4. Walk straight for about 100 metres and there will be two bus stops on your left. Get on bus 9701 (Red) or Bus 702A (Blue, make sure its is A). Get off at Seooreung Entrance(서오릉입구).
You can also get bus 9701 (Red) from Gusan station line 6 exit 1.
When you get off at the bus stop take the first right and head straight. You will then see the Seooreung Tomb Entrance.
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