Worship road leading to Myeongneung Tomb
Myeongneung tomb is located at the Seeoreung tomb site. Myeongneung tomb is made up of three tombs. The tomb of King Sukjong, Queen Inhyeon and Queen Inwon. King Sukjong was born in 1674 and died in 1729. He was the 19th monarch of the Joseon Dynasty. He ruled for 46 years and accomplished many things during his reign. King Sukjong’s reign was filled with the greatest turbulence in political power in the history of the Joseon Dynasty and fierce competition was under way among political factions. However, King Sukjong strengthened royal powers and almost completed the work to restore and improve the overall social systems
He was married three times during his life to Queen Ingyeong (First Wife, 1661-1680 ), Queen Inhyeon (Second wife, 1167 – 1701) and Queen Inwon (Third Wife 1687 – 1757). King Sukjong is buried in a twin tomb with his second wife Queen Inhyeon. Queen Inwon (Third Wife) is buried on the adjacent hill. His first wife Queen Ingyeong is buried separately at Seooreung tombs.
Myeongneung tomb is located across the road from the main entrance to Seooreung tombs. The tomb is located in an area with lots of space and has a long worship road leading up to the T-shaped Shrine. At Myeongneung tombs, you are able to climb the hill and look at the tombs up close and take in the great view of the surrounding area.
Myeongneung tomb was built in 1701 to bury Queen Inhyeon. King Sukjong was added in 1720 followed by Queen Inwon in 1757. The memorial rites for Myeongneung tomb are held every year on May 13th.
Opening Hours / Admission:
March to October: 6am ~ 6:30pm
November to February: 6:30am ~ 4:30pm
Tickets stop going on sale 1 hour before closing time.
Closed on Mondays.
1,000 won for adults (19 to 64)
500 won for youth (7 to 18)
How to get to Myeongneung Tomb at Seooreung Royal Tombs:
Take line 3 to Nokbeon Station and leave exit 4. Walk straight for about 100 metres and there will be two bus stops on your left. Get on bus 9701 (Red) or Bus 702A (Blue, make sure its is A). Get off at Seooreung Entrance(서오릉입구).
You can also get bus 9701 (Red) from Gusan station line 6 exit 1.
When you get off at the bus stop take the first right and head straight. You will then see the Seooreung Tomb Entrance.
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Visit the other tombs at Seooreung.
- Typical Royal Tomb Site