Weather in Korea. The Republic of South Korea has four seasons. Korea has a wide temperature difference between summer and winter. There are also two short Typhoon / Rainy periods.

Average winter (left) and summer (right) temperatures in Korea. Note the break in the temperature scale. Summers are much hotter than winters.
Please note temperatures are in Fahrenheit
Source: COTF
- Winter begins in December and lasts until mid-March. In the Northern region around Seoul temperatures are harsh. For the winter months the temperature is almost always below 0C. December, January and February get a lot of snowfall. The main reason for the extreme winter in Korea is the Siberian Wind that blows from Siberia. In the south of Korea, Busan winters are mild with an average temperature of 5c.
- Spring begins in late March / early April and continues until the beginning of June. Usually the temperature will stay between 5 and 10c until late April when the temperature begins to rise. Also in April the cherry blossoms are out in full bloom and many people will visit parks to have picnics and view the beauty of the cherry blossom trees. One problem in spring is yellow sand / dust. This dust blows over from China numerous times during spring and can be hazardous. It is recommended by the government that you limit your outdoor activities, wear a mask and make sure that your windows are shut at home
- The summers in Korea are hot, humid and rainy. June is quite nice with temperatures in the mid-twenties and lots of clear skies. However heading into July the rainy / typhoon period starts and it can rain for days straight on and off with lots of humidity and high temperatures. Humidity in July can reach 90%. The temperature for summer always stays above 20c and can reach into the 30’s.
- Autumn is quite short and lasts from mid September to November. This is probably the best time to visit Korea. The temperatures are 15c +, it is quite dry and there are not many rainy days. There are 2 or 3 days usually when a typhoon hits nearby Japan and causes high winds and heavy rain.
For summer, shorts and t-shirts are recommend. In the winter it gets bitterly cold so heavy clothing, a hat, scarf and gloves are needed.