Nanji Hangang Park located along the Hangang River
The Hangang Parks are located on the river banks of the Hangang River that flows through Seoul. There are 12 parks that make up the Hangang Parks. In 1982 the Hangang River Development Project was launched and completed in 1986. As time went by the buildings, roads and construction left limited access to some of the parks and the parks became less known and used by people. In 2007 a new project was launched called the Hangang Renaissance Project.
The Hangang Renaissance project is a huge undertaking and started in 2007 and will finish up in 2030. The project will transform the parks and areas around the Hangang River into a place of culture, art, leisure and riverside cities. There are many aspects that will be addressed but the main theme is creation and restoration. Each of the park area has a special theme that will be used as a basis to develop the park and surrounding area.
The main goal of the Hangang Parks in the 1980’s was to create an environmentally friendly space that the citizens of Seoul, Koreans, foreigners and tourists could enjoy. That is still the plan with the Renaissance project. The parks are also sometimes referred to the Hangang Citizens Parks.
Throughout the parks you can find an abundance of sporting facilities (over 257) including soccer fields, skateboarding and in-line skating parks, tennis courts, hiking / biking trails and many many more facilities. Plenty of water related sports are available and swimming pools. All year round there is something for people to enjoy at the Hangnag Parks. Many events and festivals are held at each park.
Here is the list of Hangang Parks. Click on each park for information about that park and a map on how to get there.
Hangang Gangseo Park
Hangang Park Nanji
Hangang Mangwon Park
Hangang Seonyudo Park
Hangang Yanghwa Park
Hangang Yeouido Park
Hangang Ichon Park
Hangang Banpo Park
Hangang Jamwon Park
Hangang Ttukseom Park
Hangang Jamsil Park
Hangang Gwangnaru Park
Get out and explore one of the many Hangang Parks in Seoul. All parks are open 24 hours a day. Picnics and drinking are allowed in the parks. Please use the trash areas provided or take your rubbish home and keep the parks clean.
To learn more about the Hangang Parks or to reserve sporting facilities, check out the official site at http://hangang.seoul.go.kr/eng/index.html
Also, check out the Supia theme park located at Yeouido Hangang Park and Ttukseom Hangang Park.