Gwangju Immigration Office
Gwangju Immigration Office serves people in the jurisdiction of Gwangju and Jeollanamdo ( excluding Mokpo, Wando, Sinangun, Jindogun, Yeongamgun, Haenamgun, Yeosu, Suncheon and Gwangyang).
Gwangju Immigration Office Opening Hours:
Open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 am until 18:00 pm. Closed for 1 hr between 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm for lunch.
Open on Saturday from 09:00 am – 13:00 pm.
Closed on Sundays and Holidays.
Address: 366-1, Hwajeong 3 dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju. Phone: 062-381-0312
Any time you need information about documents, visas or directions please call 1345, Immigration office helpline for all immigration offices in Korea.
Directions to Gwangju Immigration Office
How to get to the Gwangju Immigration Office:
Take line 1 to Hwajeong Station and leave exit 2. Follow the map below.
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