Ganghwasanseong Fortress Incheon, Korea
Ganghwasanseong Fortress is located on Ganghwa Island of Incheon. The fortress was built in 1232 during the Goryeo Dynasty. The fortress and walls were built like many others around Asia at that time, to keep out the Mongolian Empire Invaders. Ganghwasanseong Fortress is similar to the fortress wall that was built around Seoul. Ganghwasanseong has four main gates, East, West, South and North gates. The fortress used to have outer walls and inner walls however some of the inner walls are only around today. A modern city has been built up in the area and all that is left now are the gates and parts of the wall around the city like the fortress gates in Seoul. However, the fortress is definitely worth visiting. Here is a link in Korean but it has pictures of all Ganghwasanseong Gates, walls and other interesting points along the way http://younghwan12.tistory.com/1196
Opening Hours / Admission
The Fortress is open 24 Hours, all year round.
How to get to Ganghwasanseong Fortress:
The most common route is to arrive at Ganghwa Intercity bus terminal and walk to the fortress. To get to Ganghwa Intercity Bus Terminal take line 2 to Sinchon station and leave exit 1. Walk straight for about 2 minutes and take bus 3000 to Ganghwa Intercity Bus Terminal. The bus comes every 20 minutes.
I have marked the fortress location and Ganghwa Intercity Bus Termial on the map below.
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