Daegu Immigration Office Pohang Branch
Daegu Immigration Office Pohang Branch serves people living in Pohang, Uljingun, Yeongdukgun and Ulleunggun of Gyeongsangbuk-do.
Daegu Immigration Office Pohang Branch Opening Hours:
Open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 am until 18:00 pm.
Closed on Weekends and Holidays
Address: 58-13, Hanggudong, Buk-gu, Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Phone: 054-247-2971
Any time you need information about documents, visas or directions please call 1345, Immigration office helpline for all immigration offices in Korea.
Directions to Daegu Immigration Office Pohang Branch
How to get to the Daegu Immigration office Pohang Branch:
The immigration office is located right beside Pohang Ferry Terminal. You can take a taxi from the airport (about 8,000 won) or bus 105, 200 or 200-1 from Pohang Intercity Bus Terminal. Bus 101, 105 or 200-1 bus leave leave from Pohang Station. Please get off at Haksan Police Station stop. The immigration office is nearby follow the signs for the ferry terminal.
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