Cass Lemon Beer Korea
Cass Lemon beer Korea is produced by O.B. Brewery. Originally Cass Brewery produced Cass but they were bought out in 1999 by O.B. Brwery. Cass Lemon is made from hops. It has an alcohol content of 3.9 %.
In shops there are a range of sizes from which to choose your Cass Lemon beer.
You can find the usual standard size in Korea, 355 ml can.
They also come in volumes of 330 ml glass bottle and the 1000 ml and 1600 ml plastic bottle.
Cass Lemon Slogan: Sound of Vitality.
Cass Lemon Description on Can: Cool refreshing and brisk taste with the twist of lemon.
For a full list of beers and breweries in Korea check out our Korean Beer Page.
- Cass Lemon Beer Korea