A'REX Airport Express Train
The A’REX Airport express train began running trains from Seoul Station to Incheon International Airport in December, 2010. The line opened in 2 phases. Phase one was opened in March, 2007 and linked Incheon Airport to Gimpo Airport. Phase two was opened on December 29th, 2010 and linked Incheon Airport to Seoul Station.
A’REX is the fastest and cheapest was to travel from Incheon airport to downtown Seoul. Commuter rapid trains run every 6 minutes and the total journey time from Seoul to Incheon is 53 minutes with 7 stops along the way.
The Express train runs every 30 minutes and the total journey time is 43 minutes. There are no stops on the express train.
A new stop will open at Gongdeok Station at the end of 2012 finally completing the A’rex Line.
From Seoul to Incheon airport using the commuter train costs 3,700 won and takes 53 minutes.
From Seoul to Incheon airport using the Express train costs 13,300won and takes 43 minutes
The express train cost 9,600 won more the commuter train. For this extra price all you get is reserved seating, arrive 10 minutes earlier and a little bit more comfort. You are better off taking the commuter train which is comfortable, runs every 6 mintues and usually empty.
Time table from Incheon Airport to Seoul Station
Time table from Seoul Station to Incheon Airport
A video providing information on the A’rex
Visit the officail site for more information KORAIL